Monday, January 25, 2010

Arnel Ramos

I considered the best way to respond to your question, and since I do not know you, and you obviously already found my blog I will reply by giving you a post of your own. Lucky Guy!
I have been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints since I was 8 years old. But, I have been blessed to have parents who taught me about the Gospel of Jesus Christ for my entire life.

As I attended church yesterday I was blessed to hear a man we look to as a leader called by God. His name is Donald Hallstrom. His title in the church is Elder. His calling from God is to be part of the Presidency of the Seventy. Set up The same as you can read about with Moses in the Old Testament; Numbers 11:16-17 and Christs church in the New Testament; Luke 10:1. Both of these references are found in the Holy Bible. In the Doctrine and Covenants 107: 97 in a revelation given to the church through Joseph Smith it speaks a little more about the calling of a seventy.
"And these seventy are to be traveling ministers, unto the Gentiles first and also unto the Jews."
So after that lengthy introduction, I will tell you what he said. Of course I am paraphrasing, but the general idea of his talk was that you could be fully active in the "church" of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and not be active in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

So lets further analyze this.
What is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?
What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

My belief What is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints? is, the organization of the Church. We have prophets, apostles, stake presidents, bishops, missionaries, relief society presidents(women's organization), primary presidents (children's organization), visiting teachers, home teachers, seminary (teenage scripture study), Mutual (middle of the week for teens. In all a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints could be at the church or involved in a church related activity any where from 5-10 hours or more each week. We would consider these people to be very active in the organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints.
But, if this activity in the church does not lead them to being a more Christ like person, what is it for?
So, What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ? and how can we be active in the Gospel of Jesus Christ? I think this is a personal question. I come closer to my Savior by carefully inspecting my own life. As I do I find things in my life that need maintenance and fine tuning- just as a piano does over the years. Maybe I need to lower my voice, speak a little kinder, think more of others, or think more of the Savior. I learn more of the gospel of Jesus Christ as I read of his life and teachings and apply those teachings in my own life.
This is the reason I am grateful for the Church of Jesus Christ. The Savior set up this avenue as a sort of university for gospel learning. We are blessed and our family is blessed, because we have leaders to look to during these trying times. We are blessed because we have the priesthood power used for healing, blessing and passing the sacrament and the ordinances of the gospel such as baptism, giving others the priesthood power, and sealing a family for eternity. We are blessed because we have teachers who are not paid, that take their own time to study the gospel and teach us. We are blessed because our children enjoy this same enrichment. Being baptised makes me a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints, but it is also part of a covenant that I make with my savior
1. Come into the fold of God.
2. Take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ.
3. Bear one another’s burdens.
4. Mourn with those that mourn.
5. Comfort those that stand in need of comfort.
6. Stand as witnesses of God at all times.
7. Agree to serve God and keep his commandments.
This is something that you understand in basic terms as an 8 year old and come to know and love the wiser you become. This surely is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I love the Savior. I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ and I love to learn of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I hope this answers the questions that surely would have followed your initial question. Please feel free to ask more. I know he will be with you in your own search for happiness.
Your sister in the gospel of Christ

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