What do you do for a living?
I am a mom
He looks and waits for me to continue.
I start to say what I used to do
Then I realize, That Mommy is a job
So I say, I am a mommy
Just then the boys run out of the house
Mommy, Mommy, Mommy
Save me Mommy
Yes I am the Saver
I am the cooker
I am the one more bite enforcer
I am the bum wiper
I am the bath runner
I am the clothes folder
I am the driver
I am the cleaner
I am the hugger
I am the swatter
I am the teacher
I am the lover
I am the garden weader
I am the dish washer
I am the hole in the knee mender
I am the owie kisser
I am the flower reciever
I am the baby feeder
I am the diaper changer
I am the record keeper
I am the calender
I am the money spender
I am th rocker
I am Mommy
I have a favorite speech given by a man named Ezra Benson. It is called To the Mothers in Zion.
http://emp.byui.edu/SATTERFIELDB/PDF/ToMothersofZion.pdf I refer to it often, as it reminds me of what my most important job is. In 2005 my church released a document that is also part of the foundation in our home. http://lds.org/study/prophets-speak-today/unto-all-the-world/proclamation-on-family-is-still-a-clarion-call?lang=eng I can't help but feel the daily attack on mothers that I see, whether subtle or blatant. I believe the title of mother is loosing its importance. I see movies impose there belief that a mother would be a better mother out of the home following "her dream". Or, a current pop hit movie that sends teenagers away for months at a time to school. I am often stopped at the grocery store and asked- Are these all your children, or is this a day care. When I responds that they are mine, it is always followed with a "God bless you". Which, leads me to believe, with my 5 that I am not a common site. I remember feeling like a day care would do much better for my children than I can do for them. But, as I ponder that I realize how wrong I was. How could someone else ever be better for my child than I am? I see mothers- my self included focusing on weight or beauty. I see mothers giving in to the lie that life is too hard- or that it would be easier with addiction. I feel like this is a time when mothers, whether future or current, should ban together to protect our families, to teach, to learn, and to nurture each other and children every where. A favorite speaker of mine is a woman named Julie Beck. As she speaks of families, she points out that we need to be intentional. I love that word! We don't need to be perfect, but we need to live with intent. I think for me this means, not to let life just pass, but to be intentional about what I allow in my home, and what I allow out of my mouth. She mentions being "brilliant in the basics". She goes on to list a few. -pray, study the scriptures together, have family night, make a priority of mealtimes, and speak respectfully of your marriage partner.
10 ways a mother can mother
Be at the Crossroads
Be a Real Friend.
Read to Your Children.
Pray with Your Children.
Have Weekly Family Night
Be Together at Mealtimes.
Read Scriptures Daily.
Do Things as a Family.
Teach Your Children.
Truly Love Your Children.
I guess this is my challenge to you mothers out there. Don't give up. Don't give in. Be intentional. Rely on the strength and knowledge of mothers who came before you. Be a little better. You can do it. Look at your precious little ones and do it!
And can I just add a post script-
Please be respectful of Men. Respect and show respect for Husbands, Fathers, Grandfathers, Brothers, Sons. They have a hard roll. With our respect, doing their duty will be more joyful.