Friday, January 11, 2013

Do you know that some day, I plan to be awesome. Some day I will have it all together. Some day I will get everything done that I set my mind to. Do you know what I want to do with this life Heavenly Father has given me? I want to share the gospel through song and story with my own family. I want to travel all over the country on a big bus and sing. I want to be home in the summer to tend my garden and reenergize. But come the fall, I want to travel and worship and minister. I want my kids to share their testimonies and get used to being in the public and serving and making the world a better place. And I want to adopt. I want to give children-teens, wards of the state a chance to be part of a family. I want my children to be strong, hard working, and talented. I want to homeschool on the road. I want them to constantly be learning and growing. I hope to be there in 5 years. So how do I go from here to there? Do you make long term plans for your family? I want to hear about them. with love- Jo

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